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Samson is given back his strength so that he can bring the temple down upon his enemies.
Samson Destroys the Temple
This gorilla turned robot roams the planet causing chaos
Dad and the kids having fun together.
Father and Kids
A pirate captain and his trusty bird.
Pirate Captain
A cute witch. Fun Halloween coloring.
Cute Witch
A classic 1969 Chevy Camaro.
Chevy Camaro, 1969
It's fun in winter to build a snowman with a friend.
Building a Snowman
A fun cartoon picture to color of books, pens and other school supplies.
Back To School
A house in the snow at Christmas time with a huge outdoor Christmas tree
Christmas House
A young Frankenstein monster to color in for Halloween.
Frankenstein Monster
Color in this Dora coloring page, and print it at half-size to use it as a birthday card.
Dora: Happy Birthday
Some kids having fun throwing snowballs.
Snowball Fight
An indian riding his pinto (painted) horse.
Indian on a Horse
Paul survives being bitten by a snake.
Paul bitten by a snake
Pilgrim Turkey and Indian Turkey
Four-pointed star pattern
Star pattern
Books are inspiration for learning
Books Inspire us to Learn
Three wise men from the East follow a star to Bethlehem, and come bearing gifts.
Three Wise Men
Wooo-hooo. Tobogganing is one of the most fun things to do in the snow.
From the animated storybook "Ann Can't Sleep".
Ann Can't Sleep
Sometimes trucks carry loads that are too wide for the lane. When this happens they use pilot cars to warn people, and help keep the roads safe.
Wide Load
God is pleased with Abel's offering, and his brother Cain becomes jealous.
Cain and Abel
Beauty and Beast dancing together.
Beauty and Beast dance
The sheriff is out chasing down outlaws.
Whoo-whoo. Here comes the train.
Toy Train
Barney the dinosaur, with his friends BJ and Baby Bop
Barney and Friends
Watch out the dog doesn't eat your homework
Don't wanna go to school
Christmas Stockings hanging over the fire-place.
Christmas Stockings
The women are amazed to find the tomb empty, and Jesus standing before them.
Resurrection of Jesus
A crusty old peg-leg pirate prepares to bury his treasure.
Pirate Treasure
a boy catching the bus to school
Catching the Bus to School
The sun comes out to make the flowers grow.
Sun and Flowers
God does not like the arrogance of men. He confuses their language so that they cannot understand each other.
Tower of Babel
A pretty fairy swinging through the flowers.
Flower Fairy
Snakes can have beautiful patterns, and are not at all slimy!
Abstract circles and diamond pattern
Circles and Diamonds
Color in the pretty Christmas presents
Christmas Presents
Skipping is lots of fun, and great exercise.
Six Snakes. The number 6.
Six Snakes
A fish-pond pattern based on the work of M.C. Escher.
Fishpond Tessellation
A clever monkey pirate has found a buried treasure. Bountiful booty to buy bananas.
Monkey Pirate
Soccer or Football is the most popular sport in the World - played by 250 million people!
Soccer / Football
A mandala pattern reminiscent of a rRhododendron.
Rhododendron Mandala
Dad in his big car, and junior in his little one.
Father and Son in cars
Lazing on the beach.
Lazing at the Beach
A young boy out camping in the mountains.
A pirate firing a cannon.
Pirate firing cannon
Braaaaiiinnnsss. Have fun coloring this creepy Zombie kid for Halloween.
Zombie Kid
Noah's dove returns with an olive branch, showing that land is near.
Noah's Ark
A haunted house, full of spooks.
Haunted House
Christmas decorations
Christmas Decorations
Jesus performs a miracle, healing a leper.
Jesus Heals a Lepper
Jesus delivers a sermon, telling all the people of the blessings that will follow.
Sermon on the Mount
An Aztec-style mandala pattern.
Aztec Mandala
An Indian and Pilgrim share food.
Indian and Pilgrim
When Joshua blew his trumpet, the people shouted, and the walls of Jericho fell.
Joshua at the walls of Jericho
Jesus Christ was born in the little town of Bethlehem, to his parent Mary and Joseph.
First Christmas
A circle patterned mandala with a central flower shape
Circles Mandala
David faces Goliath with a sling and his faith in God.
David and Goliath
The whole Incredibles - Mr Incredible, Elastigirl, Violet, Dash and Jack-jack.
Incredibles family
Zebras live in large herds for protection.
Mary and Joseph, with the baby Jesus in a manger.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph
A boy and girl walking in the snow at Christmas
Christmas Kids
"The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round..."
The School Bus
Jesus tells the fisherman, "I will make you fishers of men"
Fishers of Men
A girl on her way to school
Girl on her way to School
Jesus carries his cross on the road to Golgotha.
Road to Calvary
A family sitting down to share a delicious Thanksgiving dinner
Family Thanksgiving
A cowboy herding cattle from the back of his trusty horse.
Herding Cows
Judas comes with the priests to take Jesus away.
Judas betrays Jesus
Animals at Christmas
Animals Christmas
Looks like someone's a sourpuss about learning.
Animals going to school
A boy fishing down at the lake.
Santa has the reindeer ready to go. ""Now, Dasher! Now, Dancer!..."
Santa and Reindeer
Tigers are fearsome predators that live in the jungles of Asia.
King Solomon solves a puzzle where two women claim the same baby.
Wisdom of Solomon
Horses pulling a covered wagon across the old west.
Horses and Wagon
With just five loaves and the two fish Jesus feeds thousands of people.
Loaves and Fishes
A grandfather spending time with his granddaughter on Memorial Day.
A toy box full of toys to color.
Toy Box
A zombie, vampire and werewolf playing cards.
Monsters playing Cards
Some kids out trick-or-treating at Halloween.
Kids at Halloween
A mandala with an Indian theme.
Charapatra Mandala
A beautifully decorated Christmas tree with presents and toys underneath
Christmas Tree
Giraffes are tall enough to eat the leaves from very tall trees.
Kids opening presents on Christmas morning.
Kids Open Presents
"We are robots. Affirmative."
Toy Robots
Kids opening their presents under the tree on Christmas morning.
Christmas Morning
Ten Butterflies. The number 10.
Ten Butterflies
Santa Flying across the sky in his sleigh on Christmas Eve.
Santa in his Sleigh
Jesus breaks bread and asks his followers to do this in remembrance of him.
Last Supper
When Pharoah refuses to let the Israelites go, God sends a plague of frogs.
Plague of Frogs
Pilgrims and Indians sharing a Thanksgiving dinner.
Sharing Food
The wise men visit the baby Jesus.
Jesus is Born
A young boy sees Santa Claus putting presents under the tree.
Kid Sees Santa
A bulls tessellation pattern.
Jesus becomes angry when he sees the temple being used as a place of business.
Cleansing the Temple
Three Kings coming to visit the baby Jesus with gifts of Gold, Frankinsence and Myrrh
Three Kings
Santa and his elves packing up presents for good boys and girls.
Santa andElves
A repeating diamond pattern
Diamond Inset
A flower themed mandala pattern. Super detailed.
Petallia Mandala
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